NHS & Private Dentistry
At Caldecott Dental Practice, our main focus is to prevent our patients getting tooth decay and gum disease. A dentist will screen your oral health which includes the health of your teeth, gums and soft tissues. If required, x-ray will be taken to assess in details any particular teeth. At the end of the session, your dentist will formulate a treatment plan as required.
The best way to keep your teeth and gums in tip-top condition is to brush and floss regularly and see your dentist and hygienist at least once a year if you’re an adult, twice a year for children up to the age of 18.
Regular dental exams or check-ups are essential to make sure your teeth and gums stay healthy. At each check-up we monitor your oral health so we can catch any problems early. We look for signs of tooth wear and erosion, we’ll check your gums, and even talk to you about how to avoid too much sugar in your diet.
Importantly, we check for problems that you may not see or feel. Many dental problems don’t become visible or cause pain until they are in more advanced stages – including cavities, gum disease and oral cancer.
In order to avoid lengthy procedures and maintain a healthy and disease free mouth, we recommend professional cleanings and check-ups every 6 months. This allows us to detect early signs of disease and provide treatment when necessary. The key to maintaining a healthy mouth is to be followed regularly and practice good homecare.
Remember: early detection, advice and treatment will help you avoid a lot of future dental work and fees.