NHS & Private Dentistry
Did you know that if you do not brush your teeth regularly, a thick layer of food and bacterial debris known as the dental plaque, can form over your teeth? Over time, the dental plaque becomes calcified and becomes the calculus or tartar and results in the development of various infections of the teeth, gums and the jaw bones. In some cases, plaque and calculus can also develop on teeth which are brushed regularly. So how can you prevent the development of dental plaque and calculus? The simple answer to this is by getting your teeth cleaned professionally through scaling.
What is Teeth Scaling?
Teeth scaling is a professional teeth cleaning procedure which involves the use of various hand automatic equipment to remove plaque and calculus from your teeth and beneath the gums. The most commonly used equipment for this purpose is an ultrasonic scaler that vibrates at ultrasonic speeds and removes the adherent tartar and plaque.
How is Plaque and Calculus Harmful?
Persistence presence of plaque or calculus on your teeth can result in the following problems:
Infection of the gums
Infection of structures surrounding the teeth such as the periodontal ligament and the jaw bone.
Infection of the adjacent teeth.
If the condition goes unchecked, the teeth gradually become mobile and start falling off.
What to Expect After Teeth Scaling?
Slight pain and discomfort a few days after teeth scaling is not uncommon. Dentists may prescribe pain-killers to take care of the pain but it is usually not required. In addition, the teeth become temporarily more sensitive to hot and cold foods and become normal afterwards.
At the end of the session, the dentist may polish your teeth to keep your teeth feeling fresh.
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